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What is SPARK?

SPARK is a digital, single-session intervention that aims to support the mental health of college students at risk for certain mental health concerns. In other words, it's a short, online program that hopes to provide information and strategies to help college students better manage their mental health.


SPARK was developed by clinical psychologists and researchers, but also involved an extensive "co-design" process that involved potential users (in this case, college students) providing preferences and feedback in its development phases. It was important to us as the study team that our mental health support tool reflects the needs of the people who will be using it. 


What will my participation look like?

During this trial, participants will complete questionnaires and surveys about their mental health, and interact with a digital support tool (SPARK) in a two-week study period. There are a few important steps to the study:

  1. Participants will complete two sets of surveys and questionnaires - one will be completed at the start of the study, and one will be completed after two-weeks has passed. We'll ask you questions about your experiences with certain mental health symptoms, your attitudes towards mental health conditions and treatment options, as well as your opinions on digital supports and social media. 

  2. Participants will be randomly selected to either receive immediate access to the SPARK program at the start of the study or be placed on a waitlist and receive access to the SPARK program at the end of the two-week study period. 

  3. After accessing the SPARK program, we'll ask for your feedback on the tool and if there are things that were helpful or should be changed.

  4. All study procedures will be completed remotely and require access to a computer or mobile device as well as an internet connection. 

  5. No more than five days after completing the survey assessments, you'll receive an email link to redeem a $25 Amazon gift card. Participants can receive up to two (2) gift cards, for a total of $50 over the course of the two-week study period.


What do I have to do to prepare?

All you need to do is find a place with an internet connection and where you feel comfortable completing surveys and accessing an online tool reflecting on potentially sensitive mental health topics. Accessing the study materials on a computer may be easier but mobile devices are also compatible.  


Who will see my data?

The research team will have access to your responses to study surveys. We will anonymize your data, meaning we'll detach your name from these study surveys. All identifiers (like your name or email address) will be kept on secure databases and not shared outside the research team. If we publish our findings from these sessions, there will be no identifiable information published. â€‹


Why do you pay people? 

We send Amazon gift cards to express our thanks for participating -- we know you're busy, and we value your time.

Want to participate in a co-design session? Take our eligibility survey and we'll reach out. 


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© 2024 mHealth for Mental Health Program

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